(Northern Song) Guo Xi, Early Spring Scene (detail)

(Northern Song) Guo Xi, Early Spring Scene (detail)

In traditional painting methods, because interpretive vision was valued over realistic drawing, vision became the soul of Chinese painting. ” The conception is before the brush, and where the painting ends the conception is still present”; ”there is feelig in the landscape, and there is landscape in the feeling.” This picture consists of panoramic upward, outward, and downward distance. It is a representative tripartite composition, a magnificent trearment of high mountains and great chasms in the early spring.

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Landscape experiment 2

There is not too much content in the No.1 experiment. I only got the format but I did not find what message I want to convey. So from the second experiment I tried to put some message inside.

The topic of this experiment is the relationship between nature and city. The space between river and sky. Because the mountain and river were always presented in ink painting, the building in the city can be the mountain.
So I took a boat from Westminster to Greenwich and took the photos for the building in the riverside.

The weather reporter said that day was a fog day and that is why I chosen that day to go out, but it was not a fog day actually.

Then I learned from the case study by Yang Yonliang and try to create a city landscape by computer.

This is a scroll like the format of Chinese traditional painting. And in this experiment I put my personal experience inside.
Before I came to London, I lived in Shanghai 4 years. Shanghai also has a river cross the city, so I compare those two cities landscape.

But the topic in this experiment still too empty. My next stage will explore what message I want to communicate. Relate to my theory study, I have already found my method of digital media and new perception that can apply on traditional painting. And the content and narrative is I have to continue explore.



The topic in this experiment began with the exploration of the river and weather related to the city. The message I wanted to convey was the city view changed with time and weather and the important meaning of river in city, especially in big cities. The first shortage of this experiment was that it was difficult to recognize which city it was because the landmark of London was not clearly enough in my processing. Meanwhile, the second shortage was that the communication of this experiment was not good, audiences got confused about what information this work wanted to convey. The third one was that  the content of this work was not enough and interesting. While I succeeded finding another media to present the topic of my project and obtaining more relationship between it and my theoretical research.

Yang Yongliang (case study)

Chinese landscape by Yang Yongliang.    

This is a series work of Chinese landscape by Yang Yongliang. It is interesting for me that he uses the shape of modern building to set up the

landscape as a ink painting. And the content of his work take about the city remove and change because the development of city. Most of his works are got quite specific points about the influence of economy and politics impact on city. His works inform me that the consideration of my content and new perception to rebuilt Chinese ink painting and landscape. 


Installation experiment

I tried to use cotton and small plastic plants to make an ink painting.    

This is the work was took under the light.
I played the light and shadow to create a sense of atmosphere and tried to use new way to present traditional painting. Transferred the 2D image into 3D. This work can see from both side with different visions. Image


